What Is the Children Learning Reading?
The Children Learning Reading by Jim Yang is a systematic reading program that helps 2-3-year-old children to read. With the aid of this program, kids can learn to read in no time and start reading to learn while other children learn to read.
This affordable program contains short and easily digestible lessons that are super fun to practice and perfect for the unconscious reader. While some lesson in this program takes around 10 minutes, other takes only 3 minutes, and the whole program lasts about 12 weeks.
So you can repeat the program to enforce your kid’s skills. With a combination of synthetic phonics principles and phonemic awareness, this program is believed to be the most effective method.
How does the Program Work?
The children’s learning reading program contains two teaching manuals. Stage 1 has a phonetics foundation and stage 2 covers advanced phonetics. The program has a total of 65 synthetic phonic lessons and some super helpful bonus resources.
Some bonuses help read the lesson stories with illustrations, and some provide mp3 audio sounds later to make the reading fun and attractive. It also comes with printout lessons so the parent becomes ready to teach their child immediately.
Some studies found that phonemic awareness is extremely effective in helping kids influence phonemes to sound out words while producing fluent readers. According to the author, your 2.5-year-old kid can start this reading program particularly if he can speak clearly.
The Format:
· Stage 1 contains 28 lessons that are very simple and basic. These lessons consist of letter recognition and phenomes.
· Stage 2 has 22 advanced-level lessons that are based completely on your kid’s skills that developed from stage 1.
After completing both stages, your child can read more difficult words and sentences efficiently and fluently.
Benefits of Children Learning Reading-Amazing Program
· This comprehensive e-book highlights the significance of early reading and the process of helping kids to become fluent readers.
· The program allows kids to identify and separate the regularly spoken word’s sounds.
· It contains easy-to-follow steps and training methods.
· The program comes with short lessons, making it suitable for accommodating the kid’s short attention span and busy parent’s hectic routine.
· Help to understand the letter sounds and speak every alphabet’s correct pronunciation.
· Its productive and effective lessons as well as accessible strategies ensure remarkable process in kid’s reading.
Is This Program Right For You?
The children’s learning reading program is suitable for 2 to 6-year-old kids. However, if your kids older than 6 are behind the grade level, you can try this program to restore their confidence.
The program is filled with concepts that are extremely easy to use to decode printed words. Then your child can pronounce any words clearly and correctly. In fact, is program is perfect for kindergarteners, preschoolers, and elementary kids to become masters in reading.
If you find it ineffective after buying, you can simply ask for money back, so there is nothing to lose.